Today's Reading

"So Liam has just signed the contract, in fact!" Simone's voice rang with false enthusiasm. Something rustled on the other end of the line, then she continued in a hushed voice. "I stepped away from the table. Well, that was very awkward."

"Did he—?" Chloe cleared the squeak from her voice. "Did he hear everything I just said?"

"I was a little late getting you off speakerphone."

Chole groaned as she sank her head onto the countertop. "Oh no. I'm so sorry." Then she remembered the other thing Simone had said. "Wait. He signed the contract?"

"It's a done deal."

Ugh. She covered her face. Like it or not (not!), Liam Hamilton would be playing Ledger. Oh, why hadn't they asked her first? They'd talked about casting and not once had Liam's name come up. Not once!

"I thought you'd be pleased. We found out Chris Evans wasn't available, and Liam is well-known and his work is stellar. The studio is so excited he's taken the role. They're aware of his publicity problem and will be keeping a close watch. We've definitely got some work to do there. But trust me, they'll handle it, and he'll end up drawing a big audience, and that's exactly what we want. I know what I'm doing, Chloe. You have nothing to worry about."

She ignored the terrible sinking sensation in her stomach. Whatever. It was done. This was the woman who was making her movie happen. Time for Chloe to pull up her big-girl pants. She injected some enthusiasm into her voice. "I'm sure you're right. You're the filmmaking expert—I'm just a writer."

"An amazing writer. But you have to trust me on this. Liam will be perfect opposite Daisy. They'll have loads of chemistry, you'll see. The studio wants Ledger's character to shine as much as you do. They realize his importance to the film's success, and we'll do everything possible to make sure your writing magic translates to the big screen."

"Of course. I'm sure you will."

"Everything's on schedule for filming to begin in June." It would take about three months and would take place right here in Stillwater Bay, where her book had been set.
"I can't believe it's just a few months away."

"It'll be amazing, you'll see." A rustle sounded through the phone. "Oh dear. I should get back with Liam—I think you ruffled his feathers a bit."

Chloe winced. "Again...I'm so sorry about that."

"Actors and their delicate egos. Not to worry, I'll smooth it over."

A moment later Chloe disconnected the call, her body wilting like a dehydrated begonia under the summer sun. "Well, that's it. My film is ruined."

"Oh, honey. Let's not be hasty. Maybe he won't be so bad. He was very convincing in Jilted."

Chloe nailed Meghan with a dry look. "As a philanderer."

"Well, yes, that's true...."

"Have you read the most recent scandal about him cheating on Brittney Bloom with Katie Simpson? It's always something with him."

"Those things aren't always true, you know."

"Ha! Maybe there's gossip here and there, but there's practically a monthly column featuring Liam and his escapades." She covered her face. "They literally could not have chosen a worse actor for the part. What was Simone thinking?"

"Well, you didn't exactly get off on the best foot with him." "Thanks for the recap."

Meghan gave a pained smile and patted her arm awkwardly. "It's gonna be okay. You like the actor they casted to play young Ledger."

"That's true." A fair portion of the story was told in flashback with the teenaged versions of Ledger and Cate. "He's perfect for the role. And the actress playing young Cate is dead-on. But also, I just alienated the actor playing grown-up Ledger!"

"Once Liam gets here you'll win him over. And who knows? Maybe Simone's right. Maybe he'll surprise you and pull it off after all."

This was a disaster of epic proportions. All her hopes and dreams of seeing Ledger brought to life on the big screen had been dashed in one disastrous phone call.

Liam Hamilton. Ugh!

"At least he's gorgeous," Meghan offered sheepishly. Chloe let out a long-suffering sigh.

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